Cookie Policy

The purpose of this page is describe website managing procedures referred to cookie use, following the provisions of the General measure, the Data Protection of 8 May 2014.

General Information about Cookies

Cookies are small text files that Domus Plinii sends to your hard-drive through your Browser. Cookies are essential part of Domus Plinii operations, by they allow us to considerably improve your navigation experience. For example, cookies help us to identify you, remember your preferences (language, country, currency…) during current and future navigation. Information stored in Cookies also allow us to improve the web site, estimating and studying consumption models and hence adapting it to your specific interest and needs.
Depending on their duration, we can identify Session Cookies and Persistent Cookies. Temporary cookies decay automatically at the end of navigation, closing the Browser. Permanent cookies, on the contrary, are transferred and stored to your hard-drive until they expire and/or are deleted, and do not contain personal data like name, e-mail or IP address and therefore do not allow to identify the user univocally.
Cookies have several finalities. Firstly they allow communication transfer to the user and therefore requested service supply. Particularly, they optimize web site operations, execute identifications, avoid abuse and monitor sessions to improve your navigation experience.
Those Cookies are defined Technical, as without them some of the operations just mentioned would not be possible, becoming more complex and less secure.
Otherwise, if Cookies are employed for other purposes (behavior analysis or custom advertisement delivery) they are defined Profilation Cookies, or Analytics Cookies if they are sent to obtain (through third-party services), information in aggregated form about user volume and their web site usage modality. In this case, it is necessary user agreement.

How Domus Plinii use Cookies

Domus Plinii use both Session Cookies and Persistent Cookies.
Information stored in Cookies by Domus Plinii are used exclusively by us, with the exception of those gathered by Google Analytics, that are used (by Google and by us) for statistical purpose.

Analytics Cookie

Domus Plinii employs Google Analytics for statistical purpose. Information obtained through Analytics Cookies are broadcasted to a Google server in the USA, where they are saved. Google will use those information to evaluate your web site usage, to report the web site activity to the site manager and supply additional services involved with the web site and network usage. In no case Google will link your IP address with other Google data.
You can stop Cookies installation anytime by Browser configuration.

Google Reporting

This web site use Google Remarketing, a service powered by Google for web reporting activation. For this purpose a Cookie stores information (anonymously) related to navigation system during your navigation on our web site. Basing on this information, third providers such as Google activate web site reporting. You can click here to disable this Cookie employment by Google. configuration.

Facebook Cookie

Domus Plinii includes some Facebook plugin that may trace user behavior. For more information please consult Facebook Privacy Policy.

Link to other web sites

Domus Plinii may contain link to other web sites of interest. If you use this links to leave our web site, Domus Plinii has no control over the other web site. Furthermore, we can not be responsible for the protection and privacy of any other information given during visit to other web site, and the other web site is not under this policy protection. For this, once you abandon Domus Plinii navigation you should consult the Privacy Policy of the concerned web site.

How Domus Plinii do NOT use Cookies

We do NOT store sensitive information of personal identification, such as, for example, credit card detail, in the cookies we use. A cookie does NOT allow us to access your device or your personal information beyond data you share with us.

Third-party tracking

We do NOT store sensitive information of personal identification, such as, for example, credit card detail, in the cookies we use. A cookie does NOT allow us to access your device or your personal information beyond data you share with us.

How Domus Plinii do NOT use Cookies

Since Cookie installation and other tracking systems supplied by third parties and used in this web site can not be technically controlled by the holder, every specific reference to Cookies and tracking systems installed by third parties is to be considered indicative. In order to obtain complete information, please consult eventual third-party privacy policy.

Disable Cookies

In your Browser you can disable Cookie saving, limit it to some web sites or set up your Browser to inform you whenever a Cookie is sent. You can also delete Cookies from the hard-drive of your computer/device anytime. However, we would like to inform you that using our services is not possible, or possible partially, if some Cookies are deleted. You can find further information about Cookie configuration in the “help” menu of your Browser.
You can also find further information about cookies and their management consulting the web site or by clicking in the “help” menu of your Browser, consulting the law “Simplified procedure for informative and acquisition of cookie consensus” of 8 May 2014 (Published on Official Gazette n. 126 of 3 June 2014), or by clicking on one of the following link: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Microsoft Windows Explorer.

Privacy Policy

Data treatment holder is Domus Plinii S.R.L.
VAT 09770860964 in the shape of his legal representative. Data treatment responsible is Uberto Leopoldo Plinio Giulini.
For further informations, please consult our Privacy Policy.